Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In which I agree with Christopher Buckley

I've had my spittle flecked venting, now it's time to start finding solutions. Here's Buckley,

...we are in danger of becoming distracted by our own outrage. It is fine to burn a witch every now and then, and I would gladly supply some good, dry kindling myself at the base of these stakes, but let’s get it over with and move on. There are larger conflagrations burning, and they will consume us all unless we begin to calm down and focus. And that focus should come from on high.

Like Buckley I think some good populist outrage is healthy for all involved - both the ragees and those we are raging at. Its good for the system that occasionally the plutocrats hear from the rabble and hear loudly but standing around screaming has a short useful shelf-life. If you can't throw a fit on Monday and then talk about solutions on Tuesday then frankly you're no better than Michelle Malkin or any of the other screaming howler monkeys out there tea-bagging each other.

via Sully

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