Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little more about today

I was able to catch much of the Obama action live on TV. After watching that and seeing the President and that entire presentation while simultaneously watching the clown show down at the Capitol I felt a lot better about my party and my President. The adults are in charge now and they're not going to be perfect but good lord are they more competent and more serious than the GOP.

The polls are of course bearing this out. The public overwhelmingly likes the President, they support the stimulus and they support the Democrats in Congress. It's very easy for people who read blogs and who are deep into the weeds of political minutia to lose perspective. I certainly do it. Reality can be very easily distorted in this insular world of ours. In the real world Americans look at the their televisions at night when they come home and they see Barack Obama exuding confidence, competency and statesmanship. In the next clip they see the utterly ridiculous John Boehner or they see the obviously over-the-top Eric Cantor or they see the disgraced Newt Gingrich. Think about the credibility gap that exists in the average American's mind when they watch Barack Obama speak and then they watch any national Republican leader speak. Whomever it is that is representing the GOP viewpoint it's someone who clearly lacks credibility and the American public are not being fooled.

I'm enjoying today, it was incredibly satisfying on a lot of levels but most importantly because it means we're finally making progress. Real progress. It will take lots of small battles everyday but ultimately we're making progress.

Don't fret quite so much my liberal friends, Obama's got this one.

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