Tuesday, February 17, 2009

GOP on the West steps, protesting Macro Economics 101

The state GOP held an event on the West steps of the Capitol to protest the stimulus package. A Pols commenter points us to the following video of state Senator Shawn Mitchell dutifully towing the party line,

Although it's not evident in the clip Mitchell is a smart guy. Probably the only legitimate intellect in his entire caucus, Senate and House.

We've tried conservative economic policies for almost 30 years and we've utterly destroyed our economy. Movement conservatives have zero credibility on economic issues and anyone with an IQ above their own age knows this.

Mitchell, Lamborn, Coffman, Beauprez(!) - they're all completely irrelevant. Even if they hold office they don't actually have any power and their party is quite rightfully the subject of great public scorn and derision. So let them have their Two Minute Hate on the West steps, let them spew propaganda to hapless local news anchors. They're on the outside looking in, we're changing the country for the better and we'll be rewarded for our efforts. I have the courage of my convictions and nothing Shawn Mitchell or Michelle Malkin do will change that.

Si Se Puede

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