Wednesday, February 25, 2009

and another thing...

Sir Charles raises a good point,

Does Jindal think anyone admires Louisiana as a model for the country? I know that Washington is often criticized, but rarely is it found wanting when compared to Louisiana.

I'd say the same thing goes for Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Richard Shelby of Alabama. These gentleman have taken a leading role in opposing Obama and Congressional Democrats but does anyone outside of the old Confederacy actually want to live in any of their states? Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana are regularly derided when politicans and the public discuss issues confronting their state. It happens in Colorado all the time - "Our spending on education is 49th in the nation, we're below Mississippi and Louisiana. Only Alabama is worse!*"

We're talking about the states that are widely viewed as the dregs of the nation and yet the GOP keeps dragging their leaders out to decry "Big Guvmn't, taxes and wasteful spending." Keep it up fellas.

*I may have the exact order of the rankings wrong. I know Colorado is 49th and I believe that Alabama is 50th but don't have the time to pull the specific data right now. I think though that you all understand my point.

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