Monday, May 5, 2008

New voter registration numbers

Good news for Democrats in terms of voter registration numbers. Today's Rocky:

Figures from the secretary of state's office show the gap between unaffiliateds and Republicans is less than 5,000 voters — 1,017,738 to 1,013,548. Democrats trail with 900,823 registered voters.

At the beginning of the year, Republicans had a 12,000 voter edge over unaffiliateds.

There were 2.94 million voters in Colorado at the beginning of April.

However, Democrats gained the most new voters, 7,000, among the three groups, and now make up 30.6% of the electorate — compared with 34.6% for Republicans and 34.4% for unaffiliateds.

This is a trend that will continue indefinitely as Colorado's population continues to grow and shift. The demographics are stacked against the GOP nationally and the Colorado GOP, home of Tom Tancredo, Doug Lamborn, Doug Bruce and Dick Wadhams simply does not have broad appeal. It's a Party that is essentially running on fumes, there are very few new or big ideas to address everyday concerns.

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