Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dems coalescing around July 1 superdelegate deadline

Last week Governor Dean floated the idea of a July 1st deadline for superdelegates to publicly declare their preference for the Party's nomination.

Today Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid backs that position.

Reid is often a bit of a wild-card when it comes to some of these issues, certainly more so than Speaker Of the House Nancy Pelosi. It's a good sign that Reid is on board with this idea and on board without much delay for deliberation.

I have no problem with letting the remaining primary states vote. After that though it is time for the Super Delegates to shit or get off the pot. We have been through the policy differences (they're slight) and we have seen the differences in campaign styles (more pronounced) and now we've seen Obama weather a bad political storm (the Wright controversy). Once the people of the states have weighed in there will be nothing left to analyze or deliberate and it is imperative that a decision be made.

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