Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bloggers to be credentialed at DNC

Good news for bloggers,

Bloggers will be credentialed for the Democratic National Convention, officials announced this afternoon.

The Democratic National Convention Committee said bloggers must apply by April 15 and will be held to strict criteria, including having been in existence six months prior to requesting credentials and have at least 120 politically related blog posts.

Bloggers must also submit their daily audience and list their authority based on Technorati statistics.

This can only help to further legitimize new media and blogging. The standards proposed are not all that arduous and will hopefully lead to an objective and fair process. I hope to see some of our prominent local bloggers become credentialed.

UPDATE: Square State has more,

On a conference call today, Democratic National Convention Committee Director of Online Communications, Aaron Meyers announced that each credentialed blog in the State Blogger Corps will be given an assigned seat on the floor with their respective delegations.
cross-posted at Colorado Pols

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