Monday, December 6, 2010

A Well Rested Blogger

Just returned from our honeymoon, 10 days in Sayulita Mexico, we left on Thanksgiving morning. Amazing little town about 25 miles north of Puerto Vallarta. Best description I can offer is that if The Dude were to take a vacation he would go to Sayulita. Dusty old town, lots of friendly locals and surfing gringos. Extremely laid back.

Didn't read the news the entire time. Just kicked back with beers and margaritas on the beach and read, including some Chuck Klosterman on the beach, a biography of William Burroughs and a few back issues of the New York Review of Books. Started on the new Washington biography on the flight back (Chernow's book on Hamilton is fantastic, this looks to be as good or better).

As I assimilate back into American culture I'm hoping I can maintain my present level of Zen like calm. I'm not all that hopeful though as this country has some huge fucking problems.

I may just have to cash it all in and head back to Mexico.

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