Monday, February 1, 2010

New digs

Whenever I finally get WordPress to cooperate I will have my first post up at the online newspaper, The Faster Times. FT founder and publisher Sam Apple reached out to me a couple of weeks ago about becoming part of the FT staff. I will be writing in the newly unvieled "News" section about breaking and big news stories. I'll be covering politics but not exclusively politics (FT has a fine crop of political bloggers right now) and posting at least two times a week (more when time allows) about news from a domestic angle. My co-blogger is Nathan Hegedus who currently resides in Europe and who's writing will have a more international bent.

I'm really excited about the opportunity to write, opine and blog in a professional setting and I hope that you all will read me over there and tell your friends. I'll continue to blog here at SPO as I have for the last couple of years. I don't anticipate that things will change around here much at all.


Phil said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to reading your stuff over there.

Matt Smith said...

Congrats on the new digs. Looks great!

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

Great work! Congratulations :)