Sunday, October 18, 2009

Civil Justice system feature on CBS Sunday Morning

This morning on CBS Sunday Morning Jeff Greenfield has a story which explored the thesis that our nation is over-regulated and over-lawyered. To Greenfield's credit he cites actual evidence that rebuts some common misconceptions about our justice system. He even places the infamous Shakespeare quote in it's proper context. The story though is a bit unfocued, it doesn't do a good job of delineating between the discrete issues that are discussed through the story; the effects of "zero tolerance" legislation, our civil justice system generally, medical malpratcice specifically, tort reform and regulatory reform. It's a relatively short piece, perhaps CBS will give a more lengthy report on these issues in the future. Almost any discussion of our civil justice system is plagued by all sorts of myths and confusion. Greenfield at least gives some voice to those who would dispel some of that mythology.

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