Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kaminsky "defends" himself

Ross offers up this explanation over at Pols,

Not that I need to defend myself, but I think a little clarification is in order given the way the Washington Post quoted me.

Let me translate that for you,

Not that I need to defend myself but here I go anyway and by defend I mean point the finger at the entirely accurate quotation from my hysterical post. I'm a conservative which means I believe in personal responsibility unless I'm the one who's being held personally responsible for my own words and deeds.


The quote is accurate, but there's an important bit they missed. What I objected to regarding Obama's speech was the "lesson plan" that was to accompany the speech, not the speech itself.

See I'm a reasonable guy, it's not that I object to the content of the speech it's just that... well totalitarianism! cult of personality! brainwashing!

It's funny to see Ross in one sentence point the finger at WaPo for the way they reported his post and then in the next sentence admit that the quote was entirely accurate. In other words Ross Kaminsky is a coward. He's willing to paint comparisons between history's greatest mass murderers and dictators and the democratically elected President of the United States but he has to equivocate when he's called out on it. Instead of saying "Yes, I said it and I stand by my belief that the President is the equivalent of Stalin," Kaminsky hems and haws trying to avoid fully owning his own words.

Ross Kaminsky has demonstrated time after time that he is a man of exceedingly small intellect and of dubious ethical construct. Such men are best ignored and left to their own deranged minds. Unfortunately though the Denver Post has deemed his fringe rantings and paranoid delusions worthy of a very public forum and as such Kaminsky's increasing recklessness cannot be simply ignored.

In decades past Kaminsky would be left to stand on street corners screaming out his delusions as passerbys shuffled past avoiding any eye-contact and covering their children's ears. In 2009 he has a featured spot on the website of a major American newspaper.

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