Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Deep thought

Focusing on a case where Sotomayor applied clear precedent and the SCOTUS conservatives went on an activist bender is an excellent way for Republican Senators to make the point that Sotomayor is a Latinafacistactivistjudge.

That the named plaintiff in said case is the poster boy for what conservatives usually decry as our overly litigious society is a nice bonus.

Also, hats off to our incompetent media for allowing Republicans to continue speaking out both their mouths and asses at the same time completely unchallenged.

Update: Yglesias FTW,

I would pay good money to hear Sonia Sotomayor say, “Senator Sessions, I think it’s ironic to be facing these questions from a man whose judicial nomination was rejected by this very committee on the grounds that he’s a huge racist."

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