Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On Sotomayor

I was traveling a bit yesterday and didn't have time to sit down and weigh in at all on the nomination of Sonja Sotomayor. A few thoughts - First, she's undoubtedly a qualified jurist and, I think, a very good pick.

Secondly though I am glad that Obama didn't give into the whisper campaigns against her and is taking the opposition head on. I wasn't certain that he would meet this challenge so aggressively, I thought that he may acquiesce and nominate someone else. Kudos to the president for sticking to his proverbial guns.

Third, I'm not sure how closely I'm going to be able to follow the coverage of this nomination on the blogs and maintain my sanity. What we're already seeing and what will only grow in intensity from here on out are a bunch of middle-aged white guys with no legal training, no knowledge of her vast writings and no understanding of the American legal system cast aspersions on Sotomayor, her integrity and her qualifications. It's idiotic to even engage in debate with these fools as they're not interested in a debate or in furthering their understanding of the law or the courts. They are willfully ignorant partisans and their breying is best ignored. And if it can't be ignored may I suggest mockery?

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