Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Will the real Gunny Bob please stand up?


I became Gunny Bob on January 10, 2009 when I reserved the trade name "Gunny Bob" with the Colorado Secretary of State (document #20091022747). Although the Wingnut Formerly Known as Gunny Bob continues to do business under my trade name, I lack legal recourse because the State of Colorado does not enforce personality rights ever since the Coors Brewing Company legally appropriated the persona of Bob the Beerman. See: Of course, the Wingnut Formerly Known as Gunny Bob is in the same position relative to me.

In my new role as Gunny Bob, I see myself as an ambassador of good will rather than as someone engaged in a profit-making venture. Indeed, I see my GunnyBobness as a gentle way of spreading the good news of informed critical thinking, polite resolution of differences, animal welfare, international brotherhood and sisterhood, gun control, marijuana legalization, and universal access to cheap and effective contraception.

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