Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Michael Moore is working on a film about the banking crisis apparently. I'm with Tim over at Balloon-Juice on Moore and his films,

I will admit that some of Moore’s appeal comes from the same perverse feeling that drives wingnuts to idolize anyone who pisses off liberals, no matter how nutty. That said, Michael Moore is just not that nutty. The wiretapping abuses, torture and insane ideological failure of everything from Iraq reconstruction to the DoJ that have come out since the premiere of Fahrenheit 9/11 make that film look if anything restrained and understated. Major media figures who picked accuracy fights over details in Sicko usually lost. Kvetch about his tone all you want, but it is hard to describe Moore’s attitude towards recent targets as unfair.

Quite right. I haven't re-watched F9-11 since I first saw it in theaters but Moore was really on the leading edge of seeing the Iraq debacle for what it was. Sicko addressed a public policy area that I have some expertise in. It's an area I've worked in and studied and Michael Moore was dead on in his analysis and in identifying the underlying issues at hand.

He's an antagonist, that's his role but don't let that diminish the fact that he's been more right about any of this stuff that Rush, Bill-O, William Kristol or any other wingnut that is considered part of the respectable discourse.

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