Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why liberals lose elections

I really like Steve Benen's work and I think he's a reasonable and rational person. Unfortunately this is a presidential election in the last 57 days and the time for reason and rationallity is long past. Here's Steve this morning,

There's been a list making the rounds lately, showing books that Sarah Palin
allegedly tried to ban from Wasilla's public library during her mayoral tenure.
The list isn't true, and in some instances, doesn't even make sense (some the books hadn't even been published in 1996, when the incident is alleged to have occurred).

Thats all well and good but it's irrelevant. I hate to have to say this but if we want to win this election it's high time we stop caring about whether or not email forwards are true.

Do you think the guys at RedState or Pajamas Media spend time telling their readers that the Obama forwards are untrue? Or that the John Kerry emails were untrue?

Of course not. This is a political campaign and truth, for the time being, is irrelevant. The sooner we liberals learn this lesson the better. We've got 57 days left. We should be smearing Sarah Palin and John McCain via chain emails every chance we get.

That's ugly I know but it's also the truth. It's a truth that Republican's have long understood and it's part of the reason that they've been kicking our ass in presidential elections since 1968.


Anonymous said...

The Dems can waste time slinging mud if they want.
All that does is turn off the voters and shrink voter turn out. The reason McCain is surging in the polls is simple the people realize the danger of the Democratic party having control of both the white house and the congress. Many middle class workers are awakening to the details of Obamas tax plans that would severely impact small business owners and further drive manufacturing overseas. Both have no intention of addressing the important issues of runaway spending, rising national debt, downsizing military and ending the war on drugs and Afghanistan war. It is probably best if McCain wins this one to keep a balance of power and reduce the danger of the Democrats monopolizing government.

Steve Balboni said...

In the future I would suggest actually reading Obama's tax plans before commenting on them.