Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who's briefing this guy?

Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic details the week of stumbles, bumbles and out-right gaffes from the McCain campaign this week. It's been a bad week for McCain, bringing him back down to Earth after his initial Palin-related boom.

Breaking this evening we have what could very well prove to be McCain's biggest gaffe of the week. McCain was giving an interview to the Spanish press and inexplicably lashed out at Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero declaring him to be an enemy to America akin to Castro or Chavez. Yikes. It's one thing when you make a gaffe that is damaging to your domestic political campaign. It's quite another when your screw-up concerns the elected leader of a friendly Western European nation. What was McCain thinking? Was he not properly briefed before his interview and thus didn't know who Zapatero was? Is he really serious and truly believes what he says? It will be interesting to see if there is any fall-out from this story in the American press tomorrow. Josh Marshall is following the story pretty closely and it appears the Spanish press is all over this gaffe.

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