It's either the light at the end of the tunnel or the a freight train bearing down on you.
Today, I'm feeling like there is a train bearing down on us. I'm generally an optimist and also try not to get too caught up in the inevitable ups and downs of the campaign season but today I'm starting to become concerned that this election is slipping away. It's not so much the bad poll numbers, those are easily explained away. It's more that I feel the narrative is quickly escaping from the Obama campaign. McCain depserately threw out the old script and is embracing a new "change" mantra and I'm afraid he just may get away with it. Maybe it's just because this is a rainy Monday but we're under 60 days now and I'm not feeling like the Obama campaign has a sense of urgency about the quick turn we have seen in the last 10 days or so.
you know what... i live in australia and i is even scared from here. you know that saying, about how when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold... i'm kind of scared that in November we get to find out what happens to the rest of the world when America vomits and gets diarrhoea and a nosebleed all at the same time.
makin' these cheered me up a bit. maybe they help you too?
and i wiiish i'd made this --> it's great
You wrote yesterday:
"this race is Obama's to lose"
I believe a more accurate statement is, "this race is the American People's to lose."
Fact is, Obama is providing us with an opportunity for the first time in 4 decades to elevate our discourse and political culture toward something remotely resembling democracy.
I do not think Obama deserves to be criticized for running a campaign in which he has treated the American Voter like adults who actually possess some degree of critical thinking and analytical ability. McCain/Palin propose to treat the American Voter like the spoiled, reactive, emotional child that we may in fact be in reality. If all the grown-up children in this country want to take the blue pill for A THIRD TIME, then in my opinion they deserve what they will get: increasing levels of public and private debt, increasing international competition for fossil fuel energy resources, continued decline in our healthcare system, continued decline of our entitlement programs, continued decline of our environment and climate, continued decline of our standing in the world.
If we decide to take the blue pill, I think we can have a slightly more prosperous future but that responsibility is OURS, not simply Obama's.
meant to write "red pill" instead of blue pill in my last paragraph of the post below.
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