Friday, September 12, 2008

On Ritter and Kolomitz

I've hesitated to wade too far into the Ritter-Carpenter v. Kolomitz imbroglio so far but this comment on today's Denver Post article does a nice job of summarizing my views,

Let's see, Kolomitz ran a flawless campaign with no political missteps, and with Ritter winning by 17 points as a Democrat in a state with 130,000 more Republicans. Under Carpenter, Ritter is the first Governor in 30 years to have his veto overturned by the legislature, one controlled by his own party; has failed to get one significant piece of legislation through on higher ed, healthcare or transportation despite those issues being the cornerstones of his campaign; has splintered his support in the business community through his inconsistent policies as well as his executive order for one of the labor unions; has only luke warm support in the Labor community due to his signing of the executive order and then signing a law that takes away the right of state workers to strike; had his mill levy tax deemed unconstitutional by District court; has Colorado's biggest industry running ads accusing Ritter of raising taxes and has seen the Governor's approval rating drop 20 points in the last 6 months. Now i get why Carpenter sounds so angry in the article.

Yep, that just about says it all.

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