Wednesday, August 27, 2008

About that AT&T after Party

In a comment yesterday Rusty said,

How far backward we've moved in 40 years. You can't even protest these assholes might interfere with AT&Ts after-party or the free Captain
Morgan shots they are giving out in a tent somewhere.

How prescient, as the Blue Dog Democrats shut Amy Goodman, Jane Hamesher and Glenn Greenwald out of their AT&T sponsored party last night despite the fact that all had credentials and were entirely within their rights to be there.

If you had any doubts that the Blue Dogs are actually little more than corporate dogs this should erase it. They're willing to stomp on the Constiution in order to do their corporate master bidding. Your right against unlawful search and seizure and your the right to a free press are all up for auction for these guys.

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