Friday, July 11, 2008

Let's unpack this a bit, shall we?

I was trying to find a good way to address an issue that has been on my mind since Ms. Kreck's citation outside the McCain townhall on Monday for carrying a sign that simply read "McCain = Bush". Today we find out that it was McCain's people, not the Secret Service, who asked that Kreck be removed from the premises. Right on cue one of the most deulsional far-right fanatics who regularly posts on ColoradoPols chimes in with the talking point du jour for this most inconvenient incident,

What would the D's say if me and several of my buddies went to an Obama rally with large posters reading "Hussein Obama for Dictator"?
While waving rebel flags?
Suppose my rights would be violated and we would be escorted away?
Or maybe a large poster of a picture that is circulating around the net showing Obama wearing a turbin and sporting a Bin Laden beard? Would that be grounds for removal?

Turn about is fair play. That old lady was looking to make a statement and deserved to be removed. She knew what would happen and that is the only reason she did it.
Anyone denies that is a fool.

This has been the cry from the right since the very beginning of this incident and indeed Kreck can be heard on the tape of her removal asking what exactly is so offensive about her sign.

Just to be clear, it is apparently now the opinion of those on the right that a sign which merely reads "McCain = Bush" is analogous to saying that Obama is a dictator. Or analogous to doctoring a photo to make Obama look like Osama bin Laden.

I had no idea that my friends on the right thought that George W. Bush was a dictator and akin to Osama bin Laden. Thanks for clearing that up. Now we know that not just those on the far left associate George W. Bush with terrorists, even loyal Republicans now believe that Bush is inherently evil.

The kvetching over Ms. Kreck's sign from the righties only makes sense if one assumes the supposition that Bush is evil or bad is objectively true. They've spent all of these years defending Bush's every move and statement while fluffing him as some sort of defender of freedom. Suddenly though comparing McCain to Bush is an insult of the highest magnitude and grounds for dismissal from an ostensibly public event?

It must be hard to maintain such a high level of cognitive dissonance on a daily basis.

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