Friday, June 27, 2008

Heller and the gun nuts

Kevin Drum is exactly right. The Supreme Court decision in Heller will not, as some would like to believe, move the gun debate beyond fear-mongering about "gun confiscation." To believe that Heller will have such an effect assumes that the over-heated rhetoric from the NRA and fringe elements about the U.N. and gun confiscation was grounded in logic and reality in the first place. It was not, thus Heller will change nothing in that regard.

I haven't written about Heller at all because it's not an issue I care much about. I don't believe that very strict gun control laws actually achieve the goal of reducing gun violence in the United States. At the same time I think many gun lovers are just plain creepy in their obsession with owning .50 caliber rifles.

There are far more pressing issues facing this country and far more productive issues for progressives to focus their energies than gun control.

For some interesting reading on the decision I would suggest these two,

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