Monday, April 21, 2008

The face of the Colorado GOP

I really don't even know what there is to say about this.

Republican Rep. Douglas Bruce was ordered to leave the podium of the Colorado House of Representatives today after calling Mexican workers "illiterate peasants."

Bruce made the comment during a debate on a bill that would allow the state to help immigrant workers get temporary visas from the federal government.

The Denver Post provides us with the entire quote,
"We don't need 5,000 more illiterate peasants in the state of Colorado," Bruce, R-Colorado Springs, told the chamber to an audible gasp.

Bruce is obviously emotionally unstable and craves attention. In his first 4 months in office he's become the 1st legislator in the history of Colorado to be censured (for kicking a news photographer) and been booted off of the House Veterans and Military Affairs Committee (by his own caucus). He is, in short, a complete jackass. So we shouldn't be surprised when he says something for shock value. Still I think this statement reveals a lot about what is really in the heart of Douglas Bruce when it comes to his opinion of Hispanics. His comments also are not out of line with past actions taken by other Republican's who claim to be anti-illegal immigrant but whose actions betray them as nothing more than anti-Hispanic bigots.

Let's be clear here, the debate in the House was not about aid to undocumented workers or illegal immigrants, it was about helping legal Hispanic workers who come and toil in our fields for low pay.

Bravo to Rep. Terrance Carroll for holding Bruce's feet to the fire,

Rep. Terrance Carroll, D-Denver, said that as the "son of illiterate slaves who built this country" he found Bruce's remark bigoted and said it may prompt an ethics investigation.

"He clearly violated the decorum of the House," said Carroll, the assistant majority leader. "It was pre-meditated bigotry. Doug Bruce is not a stupid man he thinks about what he's going to say."

Bruce's comments should not be shrugged off or forgotten. When you stand up at the podium in the Colorado House of Representatives and engage in a bigoted slur you should be made to own that comment - as should your caucus. What say you Minority Leader Mike May?


Phil said...

wow, that guy is such a moron. Who's bright idea was it to send him to Denver? Or maybe they were just done with him in the Springs?

Phil said...

And i don't think I'd call him the face of the party, just the party loudmouth. Most of the rest of the party can't stand him either.

Steve Balboni said...

Yeah I meant the "face" comment because his dumbass is in the news every week saying or doing something ignorant. He gets more press than any of the other GOP legislators combined.

The whole party isn't full of morons - but with Bruce it's easy to get the impression that this is all they have to offer.

Matt S said...

Doug Bruce is the best thing to happen to the CO democratic party in years. It just keeps getting better with this guy. I can't wait to see what lunatic Bruce does next.